"Dr. Rochelle Skin Expert is not a product that will provide instant results on your face, but we deliver results gradually.
But it is not a shortage of a beauty product.
Indeed, if you find a beauty product that is able to provide guarantees extremely fast results in just less than 1 month of use, we just urge you to be careful of these products. "
dr rochelle
cream pemutih wajah
dr rochelle skin expert
dr rochelle skin expert
If you just want an Instant Process in 1 week, please IGNORE ONLY for this article.
because this article is intended to provide an understanding that NO PROCESS IN TREATING SKIN INSTANT FACE, and if there is a bold PRODUCT CAN assume, means it VERY POSSIBLE use-CONTENT CONTENT THAT DANGEROUS on such products.
(Make sure you check the ORIGINAL NOTIFICATION BPOM before buying the product BEAUTY).
*** The following is an explanation of the Process and Reaction products Dr. Rochelle Skin Expert ***
Phase Reaction:
-Fixes Skin: Occurs in 1-2 weeks
-Melembabkan Skin: Occurs in 2-3 weeks
-Peremajaan Skin: Occurs in 3-4 weeks
Skin-protection: Occurs in 5-6 weeks
-whitening Skin: Occurs in 8-10 weeks
Skin Repair: In the first week of use cream will work removing dead skin cells do not work out of the process makes excessive peeling skin, and in case of peeling likely to be small and it is due to removal of dead skin buildup that comes from makeup, foundation and powder , and that needs to be known in general almost all skin care products have the exfoliation process which means that the process have the potential to induce skin layer which would result in a mild exfoliation, thus providing a layer of skin renewal that more fresh and bright, it would not have made your skin, itching, burning, let alone make your skin thinning and easily hurt.
Moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin after regular use in the first 2 weeks your skin will feel soft, clean and bright it is derived from the work process Cream night (brightening repair), and the routine use cream during the first 2 weeks of your skin every time using the cream afternoon ( instantly perfect bb cream) will appear luminous glow and shine and shine, but remember although it will look good on your face cream is not overused quite use 1x per day in accordance with the instructions, and the phase of the process of moisturizing the skin, facial skin structure you will seems a little greasy but you do not have to worry because the oil produced from oil protection face cream that contained at noon that can provide protection against the effects of ultraviolet light and air pollution, for you who have oily skin if your skin is excessively oily visible within certain period and it does not change, you can stop using the cream day temporary basis until the skin back to normal and you can divert your day care with the use of "super serum".
Skin Protection: It is recommended to not use cosmetics during the first month of treatment, and at this stage in 3-4 weeks of regular use your skin will continue to be rejuvenated by Dr. Rochelle Skin care expert, the application of facial treatments you with added SUPER SERUM where the product is used as an application addition will help provide additional nutirisi ANTI AGING skin and at the same time in the process of caring for memaximalkan
Whiten Skin: Skin cells are responsible for the bright or dark skin color is melanin. And melanin sometimes influenced by genetic factors (heredity) and environmental factors (sun, weather, humidity). Someone who melaninnya production levels high, typically will have a darker skin color. But actually one of the benefits of melanin is to keep the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays. At the stage of 2-3 months you will experience skin bleaching process gradually over time, to whiten the face is not a quick and instant, when the facial treatment cream can make the process of whitening with fast- course you should question the content of what is in the product the original skin color and subject matter to be fast or slow a way to whiten the skin, if your complexion is black and thick as the skin color of the east in general will certainly take that much longer. Vice versa, if you have your original skin color structure brown or tan would be much faster. And processes within a certain period of your skin will gradually lead the process of bleaching the skin. And during the treatment 1bulan runs we suggest to use additional products such as CRYSTAL CREAM WHITENING where the application of these products will help and memaximalkan process your facial skin bleaching stages, because Whitening cream works act by slowing the production of melanin, and thus prevent skin darkening.
Hopefully the info Use of the product Dr. Rochelle Skin Expert will be a fine day for your benefit.
we are distributor of BBW&Luxuries. Poketbac,holders,scentportable,bodymist 88ml&236ml(fine fragrance),shimmer mist 236ml,and bodylotion 226gr.
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